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YAHOO! Style | Acne myths - January 25, 2016

Written by DLK on Avenue | Jan 29, 2016 7:45:16 PM

Acne clearing theories debunked

From YAHOO! Style - By Asymina K.

Everyone has dealt with acne at some capacity. Whether it’s a constant problem or an occasional unwelcome visit, there’s never a convenient time for breakouts.

The process of clearing up the skin condition can be both slow and overwhelming. With numerous lotions and spot treatments in stores, it’s difficult to know which is right for you. Which may be why many of us are turning to the web to find that natural and affordable solution.

Dr. Lisa Kellett, a dermatologist at DLK on Avenue in Toronto, has seen plenty of questionable treatments over the course of her career. She says just because it’s on the Internet, doesn’t mean it’ll be effective.

“It’s important to filter out where you are getting your information from and when it comes to anything to do with your health or medicine you should make sure that whatever you’re using has evidence-based medicine that works.”

When it comes to at home remedies for those pesky pimples, we let the professional dictate what works and what is in fact a myth.

Toothpaste: Myth
Toothpaste is made up of ingredients like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. This combination leads many people to believe toothpaste will dry out the acne and make it disappear. While it may have the drying effect, Dr. Kellett says toothpaste will irritate your skin.

“Not a good idea. It could be an irritant to the skin and can cause a contact dermatitis, which is an irritating eruption in the skin. “

Sterilized Needle: Myth
Actress and author Mindy Kaling has admitted to sterilizing a needle to pop a pimple. At first this actually sounds like it could do the trick. However, Dr. Kellett says “the heat doesn’t kill all the germs” and overall extracting or popping is a bad idea. Popping the blemish can prolong the healing process and can cause scarring.

Banana Peel: Myth
The banana peel facial involves rubbing the peel on the affected areas for a few minutes before rinsing off. The peel contains lutein, which is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and swelling. Nonetheless, Dr. Kellett says using a peel to help acne is a myth as there’s no “evidence behind it.”

Raw Potato: Myth
Potatoes are rich in sulfur, chloride, potassium and phosphorus and they’re also an antioxidant. Many websites hail the vegetable as being great for clear skin and helping with many skin problems. According to Dr. Kellett, “potatoes are a common cause of contact dermatitis,” which means they will irritate your skin rather than clear it up.