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PRP injections in Toronto: All You Need to Know

Written by DLK on Avenue | Jun 10, 2024 1:12:50 AM

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a highly concentrated group of platelets that have been separated from a patient’s blood. In aesthetic treatments, PRP is used to help enhance the appearance of the skin, improve elasticity, and address concerns like wrinkles and fine lines. PRP injections in Toronto can help you achieve a more youthful look without the need for surgery — this minimally invasive treatment is also highly safe because it uses your own blood to stimulate collagen production and natural skin regeneration.

What are the origins of PRP?

PRP dates back to the 1950s. In 1954, the term originated to describe the standard concentration of blood platelets in transfusions. By the 1970s, the term was used to describe blood samples with a higher platelet count than normal. During this decade, hematologists began to study the effects of using a patient’s blood samples to assist in wound healing and blood clotting.

As research evolved, cosmetic surgeons gained interest in the effect of growth factors in PRP to improve patients’ appearance. Growth factors are specialized molecules that help stimulate cellular proliferation — the process of growth and division that can enhance skin quality, texture, and integrity.

What are the differences between PRP and Fillers?

PRP injections do not add volume to folds in the skin (like hyaluronic acid fillers) or paralyze muscles to prevent wrinkling (such as Neuromodulators).

While fillers and injectables aim to restore facial volume or minimize muscle contraction, PRP injections are designed to increase collagen production. Collagen, your skin’s primary binding protein, contributes to a tighter, more youthful appearance.

Unlike fillers, which fade over time, PRP injections use natural skin rejuvenation techniques that can deliver continuous results over time, especially with repeat injections.

If you are considering PRP injections in Toronto, it’s important to speak with a skilled provider who can help you make the best decision for your health and skin. PRP can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to help enhance your results.

What skin concerns can PRP Injections treat? 

PRP is effective in treating a wide range of aesthetic concerns, including:

  • Age spots and sun spots
  • Acne scars
  • Fine lines 
  • Wrinkles 
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven complexion 
  • Poor texture 

PRP injections for skin rejuvenation can promote collagen production and naturally enhance the texture, tone, and overall appearance of your skin. It can also be used to treat hair loss. 

In addition to improving the appearance of the skin, PRP injections can also improve its overall health. Because it acts at the cellular level to stimulate collagen, it can enhance the integrity of skin in a way that fillers can’t. 

Microneedling and PRP are often used together to deliver PRP across a broad surface area on the face. This can stimulate enhanced collagen production and longer results; many patients undergo PRP face treatments in their 30s, but patients in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond can benefit too, depending on their needs. 

Before and After Photos Hair Loss Restoration with PRP

Explore our gallery of patients who received PRP injections in Toronto.





How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of PRP injections a patient needs depends on every case. Your provider will assess the integrity of your skin and discuss your unique goals to recommend an ideal number of treatments for you.

How much does PRP cost in Toronto?

PRP injections in Toronto generally start at $950 depending on the injection site and whether the use of ultrasound therapy is necessary during the procedure. Patients may need ultrasound during their treatment to guide the injection and increase accuracy of the PRP placement.

Is PRP covered by OHIP?

PRP injections are not covered by OHIP, but some patients may qualify for some coverage under extended health benefits. Contact your insurance provider to see if you are covered. If not, you can discuss financing options with one of our treatment providers.

How long do PRP injection results last?

Patients can expect PRP injection results to last for six to nine months depending on the severity of their skin concerns and their unique body’s metabolic rate. Some patients experience the results for longer periods of time while others benefit from more frequent repeat procedures.

What are the side effects of PRP injections?

Patients may experience bruising, tenderness, swelling, and redness at the injection site for several days following the procedure. Most side effects resolve on their own within four to six days.

Schedule a Consultation at DLK on Avenue

DLK on Avenue in Toronto offers PRP treatments and non-surgical treatments for patients throughout the area. Our skilled team are certified dermatology experts and always available to answer your questions. We are here to ensure you find the perfect solutions for all your aesthetic goals.

Please contact us today to request a consultation appointment and find out if PRP is right for you!