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Investing in Your Skin with DLK on Avenue’s Light & Laser Treatments

Written by DLK on Avenue | Apr 12, 2023 3:45:00 PM

Light & laser treatments work to enhance your skin and it is important to have an understanding on post-care treatment to maintain your glowing results.   

DLK on Avenue is a premier cosmetic dermatology practice located in the heart of Toronto. Our level of standard in medical aesthetics is constantly raised as we strive to use the latest advancement in safe and innovative technologies while applying the best of traditional medical methods.  

No matter if you are a first-timer or a regular DLK laser client, our informative guide will go through the most effective post-care tips to help maintain the results of light & laser treatments. The best part is, these tips will help your skin heal quicker and reduce downtime.                                    

What is a Light & Laser Treatment? 

Light & laser treatments are increasingly popular aesthetic treatments that work by using a combination of energy and light to improve skin concerns related to texture, hyperpigmentation, UV damage, redness, and scars and can treat conditions such as acne, rosacea, dark spots, and early signs of aging 

While light & laser treatments work towards the similar skin issues, there are slight differences in the way they work. Let’s have a look at laser treatments first. 

Laser Treatments 

Laser treatment treat a variety of concerns, here are some of the main ones: getting rid of unwanted facial hair, resurfacing the skin to improve skin texture & tone, and promoting collage production. 

Skin resurfacing lasers work on deeper layers of your skin by using controlled heat which increases collagen production. This helps with the formation of new skin cells which is the key to achieving  glowing and bright skin.   

There are several types of laser treatments but the following are offered at DLK.  


The ResurFX is a non-ablative fractional laser designed to address multiple skin concerns including early signs of aging, dull skin, texture, scarring, and overall skin tone.  

The laser stimulates collagen regeneration with a series of treatments suggested by your clinician, typically in every 4-6 weeks. During the treatment, you may experience a warm or prickling sensation but many find it manageable. Post-symptoms vary per person, however, expect redness to last 2-3 days.  

The ResurFX laser is considered one of the most efficient resurfacing lasers with consistent results and little downtime. Enjoy glowing and smooth skin a week after the treatment!  


Etherea DualMode® is an Er:YAG ablative laser. This cutting-edge technology performs as an ablative laser but it enjoys the benefits of a non-ablative laser downtime.  

It targets skin concerns such as early and advanced signs of aging, atrophic scarring, uneven texture, sun damage, and pigmentation.  

The treatment starts with the administering of a clinic-grade topical anaesthetic to make the treatment more comfortable, and then the laser procedure follows. You can expect redness, swelling, and rough texture for no more than a week.  

Once the skin is completely healed, your skin will feel supple and smooth. You’ll notice less pigmentation and improved texture, all while the collagen underneath continues to rebuild for months to come! 

Light-Based Treatments 

While lasers can help in resurfacing skin cells, not all skin problems require a targeted laser.  

You can also get a light-based treatment depending on your skin concern. Here are some light-based treatment offered at DLK: 


Intense pulse light therapy, also known as IPL, works by delivering many different wavelengths of targeted light to skin to help in collagen production and treat sun damage. 

IPL treatment can work wonders if you are struggling with sun-damaged skin, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, scarring, and aging lines. 

Light & Laser Post Care 

Light & laser treatments can leave your skin sensitive to infections, sensitivity, and a high risk of UV damage. With that, your skin requires utmost care right after light or laser sessions.  This is why post-care is the most important piece that needs to be discussed with your clinician. 

The type of post-care you need after light & laser sessions depend upon the type of treatment. Your clinician will give you a rundown of specific post-care tips and products you can use after every treatment session to soothe your skin, reduce downtime and get lasting results.  

Regardless of the treatment you choose, here is a universal list of things to AVOID following a treatment for  lasting results, quicker skin recovery, and preventing any side effects. 

  • Keep your bare skin away from the sun! Light & laser treatments leave your skin sensitive to sun rays which can potentially do more harm than good.  
  • Don't use any physical or chemical exfoliants until you get a heads-up from your clinician since these chemicals tend to irritate the skin. 
  • A big NO to skincare that has perfume in it. Again, these can irritate your already sensitive skin and cause redness. 
  • Be mindful of using vitamin-based or antioxidant serums, some formulations may irritate your skin post-laser. Ask your clinician when is it safe to continue using vitamin C or topical antioxidants. 
  • Don't wash your face immediately after light and laser sessions. Try to wait at least the night after treatment as some lasers are ablative which leaves your skin sensitive so even a simple face wash can irritate it. 

How to Maintain the Results of Light & Laser Treatments 

Maintaining results is easy when you follow the right tips. To heal your skin fast and safely, you should take care of the following: 

Tips to follow right after laser treatment: 

  • Cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser post-treatment can help avoid buildup. 
  • A thick barrier like petroleum jelly and Aquaphor can add an extra layer of protection and retain moisture in your skin. This helps heal skin quickly. 
  • While washing your face, use lukewarm water and avoid hot water which can irritate the skin. 
  • Ice packs can be a great help to soothe the initial burning sensation and redness that you feel right after a laser session. 
  • When you get out of the laser office, keep a hat or a scarf handy to cover your face and protect it from the sun. 
  • Wear mineral SPF. Your clinician might apply it for you before leaving the clinic, but make sure you have one on hand to re-apply if needed.  

NOTE: Laser therapy that is ablative needs more strict post-care because the outer layer of skin gets removed during the laser session. This can cause a burning sensation and swelling of the skin. 

Your treatment provider may prescribe you some anti-inflammatory skin care and ice packs to soothe the skin. Avoid sun exposure as it can lead to permanent scarring. There will also be some follow-up appointments to check on the skin’s healing process. 

With the above-mentioned tips, you should also consider the following.

Medical-grade skincare 

 It is always a good idea to let your skin heal and avoid using any products that contain harsh chemicals but it is especially important following a light & laser treatment.    


It is ideal to use medical-grade skincare that your clinician recommends. Medical-grade products are results-driven formulations that help in skin cell turnover and retain the effect of laser results for a longer time. 


SPF is  considered a key to maintaining light & laser results. 

 It's a no-brainer that these treatments make your skin very sensitive to UV rays which is why it is always a good idea to invest in a mineral sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 or higher to cover broad-spectrum UV. Use sunscreen the first thing post-treatment session to give it a protective barrier. 

Maintenance appointments 

Even with all the hard work in maintaining the treatment results, it is recommended to book follow-up appointments to ensure optimal results are achieved.    

Try a light & laser treatment today at DLK on Avenue! 

Our expert clinicians will walk you through our treatment options and create a custom plan tailored for your specific skin needs. Book your complimentary consultation today!