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Top Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments | DLK on Avenue

Written by DLK on Avenue | Sep 13, 2024 8:13:35 PM

We all want to look and feel our best. Contrary to what some believe, the purpose of anti-aging treatments isn’t to mask someone’s age. Instead, the most effective anti-aging treatments are designed to support your healthiest, more vibrant complexion at your stage of life. This means targeting undesirable side effects of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles, age spots (sun spots) and sagging (skin laxity).

At DLK on Avenue, we value every patient’s unique aesthetic journey, and our goal is to provide everyone with the right skincare treatments for their goals. In this post, we’ll explore the aging process and the top non-surgical anti-aging treatments.

Understanding the Aging Process

Why does your skin change as you age? It all revolves around collagen and elastin, key protein fibers that make your skin tight and toned. As you age, your body produces less of these fibers, which makes the connection of your skin looser.

The loss of collagen and fat in the skin’s deeper layers also cause wrinkles, which grow more pronounced with age. While no one can prevent themselves from losing collagen, there are anti-aging treatments in Toronto that can help you increase collagen production and make your skin look refreshed and fabulous.

Top Anti-Aging Treatments Provided by DLK on Avenue

It’s wonderful that you’re exploring all your options when it comes to anti-aging treatments. Below are the most popular and effective non-surgical anti-aging treatments we offer at our clinic in Toronto.

Injectable Fillers

Dermal fillers do exactly as they imply — restore volume to areas of the face using biocompatible substances like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and collagen. Because they restore lost volume to sagging or recessed areas, fillers can be suitable for treating mild to moderate skin laxity in some patients.

Most fillers last 12 to 18 months and are easy to maintain with routine touch-ups. Unlike surgical procedures, fillers do not require downtime or lengthy recovery periods. You will need to avoid certain things for the first 72 hours following treatment, like massaging the face, but you can still go back to your routine the same day as treatment.

For patients who want to address concerns like crow’s feet, fine lines, thin lips, or dark circles under eyes, fillers are a great option.

Benefits of Fillers

  •  Immediate results
  • Minimal downtime
  • Treat multiple areas in one appointment
  •  Non-surgical approach
  • Long-lasting results


Botox is the world’s leading neurotoxin injectable. Unlike fillers, Botox does not restore any volume to the treatment site. Instead, it temporarily immobilizes muscles, so you don’t experience wrinkles when you make certain expressions. For example, many people get Botox for forehead wrinkles, so when they raise their eyebrows, their forehead remains smooth. Or they might get Botox to address crow’s feet and frown lines.

As one of the most popular and clinically proven anti-aging treatments, Botox is a fantastic injectable to add to your professional skincare regime.

Benefits of Botox

  • Quick procedure
  • Noticeable results within days
  • Effective for crow’s feet, frown lines, bunny lines, and more

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP therapy is skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a patient’s own blood to nourish the skin. After collecting a small sample, the patient’s blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma. This plasma is then injected at the desired treatment site to stimulate collagen production and promote the development of new cells (cellular turnover).

Because the treatment uses a patient’s own blood, PRP is considered one of the safest anti-aging treatments available. Our PRP treatments in Toronto can help you nourish your skin with your own protein-rich plasmas that revitalize your complexion.

Benefits of PRP

  • Natural treatment option
  •  Low risk of complications
  •  Improves skin texture
  • Minimizes pores and fine lines


Whenever the skin is injured, your body responds by triggering the production of collagen to heal the wound.

Microneedling uses this concept to trigger more collagen production in the treated area. Using a microneedling device, the dermatologist creates a series of controlled, invisible micro-injuries that ultimately stimulate your body’s natural skin rejuvenation response.

DLK on Avenue offers radiofrequency (RF) microneedling, which introduces RF waves to further stimulate the collagen production and deliver even greater results.

Benefits of Microneedling

  • Reduces fine lines
  • Treats acne scars
  • Good for treating sun damage
  • Improves overall skin tone

Laser Skin Resurfacing

If you suffer from sun spots, acne scars or discoloration, you may find that over-the-counter products don’t deliver the impactful results you’re looking for. As you age, your complexion can become more complex, ultimately leaving you with freckles, spots, and lines that you’d rather not have. Luckily, laser skin resurfacing can help patients of all ages and skin tones improve their complexions.

 Our non-ablative skin resurfacing procedures take 90 minutes and have a short recovery time of two to five days. You only need topical anesthetic during the treatment. Resurfacing procedures are a wonderful way to enhance your natural beauty while targeting certain skin blemishes you’d like to get rid of.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

  • Treats multiple skin concerns at once
  • Personalized treatment for each patient
  •  Minimal downtime
  •  Long-lasting results
  • Evens out skin tone
  •  Repeatable treatment for improved outcomes

Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening

Skin tightening procedures can often be invasive, leaving you with weeks of recovery and downtime. Luckily, there are less invasive options like radio frequency skin tightening to consider.

RF skin tightening treatments use radiofrequency energy to heat the skin and stimulate collagen production, leaving you with naturally tighter, firmer skin.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

  • Non-invasive
  • Zero downtime
  • No incisions or sutures
  • Effective for loose or sagging skin

Chemical Peels

Do you struggle with a dry, dull complexion, acne scars, hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone? A

chemical peel could be exactly what you’re looking for. These custom skin treatments use a chemical exfoliation process to shed layers of dead skin and promote natural healing and skin rejuvenation.

We customize every chemical peel to a patient based on factors such as their age, skin tone, and skin concerns. Whether you want a light refresh or deep chemical peel that targets years of sun damage and aging, we can help.

Downtime for chemical peels ranges from zero days to two weeks. The beauty is that you can work with a dermatologist to find the right treatment for your skin goals and lifestyle.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

  • Excellent for treating age spots
  •  Customizable treatment
  • Improves skin texture
  •  Reduces the appearance of fine lines
  • Treats hyperpigmentation

What Is the Best Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatment for Me?

Everyone’s skin is unique, and your age, budget, preferences and goals will ultimately determine what anti-aging treatments in Toronto are best for you. Working with a licensed dermatologist who has years of experience treating patients of different ages and backgrounds will help you find the perfect skincare solutions.

Consulting with an expert helps you explore your options thoroughly and receive personalized recommendations from an expert at DLK on Avenue.

Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments in Toronto

DLK on Avenue is proudly led by Dr. Lisa Kellet, a board-certified dermatologist and skin care expert. Dr. Kellet is passionate about helping her patients feel confident and beautiful in their skin at every stage of life. Book a consultation today with the DLK on Avenue team to find out which skincare solution is right for you.