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          Your Guide to Skincare for Pregnancy and Postpartum

          1 Minute Read

          By Vanessa Grant


          Legend has it that women glow from within when they’re pregnant, but many of us just sweat a lot, have acne breakouts and get melasma moustaches. And postpartum skin doesn’t often get better. Sleepless nights and hormonal roller coasters can lead to dull, dry skin—and more pimples. We spoke with Dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett of DLK on Avenue, in Toronto about what expecting and new moms need to know to keep their complexions healthy, plus the best ways to get the glow you were promised.

          Pregnancy Skin: Not Always Glowing

          Don’t expect to glow. Because of hormonal changes, many women experience acne, says Dr. Kellett. Melasma, or “pregnancy mask”, a skin condition that causes blotchy freckle-like patches on the skin—especially when exposed to UV rays—is also common. It shows up most often on the cheeks, forehead, chin and sometimes above the mouth, like a moustache.

          Postpartum Skin: The Adjustment Continues

          The roller coaster ride continues after giving birth. Not only is there a whole new completely dependent and unreasonable person under your care, but your hormones are up and down and you don’t sleep much. All of this can contribute to dry, dull skin and breakouts.

          New Mom Skincare Musts

          • Keep it Simple: Forget elaborate skincare routines. Focus on gentle cleansing, daily sun protection and good hydration.
          • Sleep—and eat—When You Can: Sleeping when the baby sleeps is always easier said than done but beauty rest is real. But it’s not all about sleep. It can feel hard to eat well when you’re busy keeping a baby alive but proper nutrition is also key. Dr. Kellett says that your sleep reflects your overall health and vice versa. “The more sleep you get, the better your nutrition is, the better your skin will look.”

          DLK on Avenue
