Lip Lines Treatment in Toronto
The lips are one of the most expressive and alluring features of the face. When we talk, smile, or pucker up, all eyes naturally go to the mouth. Sadly, our lips lose volume as we age, and vertical lines can form around the edges.
These wrinkles, commonly called "lip lines" or "smoker's lines," can make us look older than we feel. If you've noticed these lines around your mouth, don't panic – there are solutions.
DLK on Avenue offers advanced non-surgical treatments to smooth fine lines on lips and restore a plump pout. With top experts on staff and state-of-the-art technology, we can tailor a program to meet your unique needs.
In this guide, we'll talk all about lip lines. We'll explain what causes them, what they look like, and how we can help you get rid of lip lines in Toronto.
How the DLK Lip Lines Program Works
When you come to our clinic for uneven skin texture treatment at DLK on Avenue, we'll set you up with a treatment plan made specifically for you to address your concerns around uneven skin. There are many ways to help those with unhealthy skin, but first, we need to take two important steps.
Before we start any treatment, we need to get to know you and your skin. That's why we first do a thorough medical check-up.
In this check-up, we examine your medical history, skin type, and other factors that might be causing your lip lines. Doing so helps us understand what's going on with your skin and why those lines appear.
Next, Dr. Lisa Kellet comes in. She has plenty of credentials, including being a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada. Dr. Lisa Kellet will take your assessment results and design a personalized uneven skin treatment plan. In other words, she will create a treatment program just for you. It will be based on your unique skin needs and uneven skin texture, which fits your case. Specifically, she will design an individualized comprehensive skin care plan for you.
The treatments you'll get depend on those two steps we talked about earlier. Of course, you'll have the final say. We'll give you our best suggestions, and you can decide which is right.
What Are Lip Lines?
Lip lines, sometimes called smoker's lines, refer to the vertical wrinkles that develop around the edges of the upper and lower lips. They often first appear as fine creases but can deepen into more pronounced wrinkles over time. Lip lines can be:
- Dynamic: Caused by repetitive facial movements and muscle contractions when talking, eating, smoking, etc. These are seen when the face is animated.
- Static: Present even at rest because the collagen matrix under the skin has broken down. Static wrinkles remain visible when the face is relaxed.
What Causes Lip Lines?
You know what lip lines are now, but you might be wondering why they showed up in the first place. Let's talk about that.
Lip lines usually start to appear when you're in your 40s. But don't be surprised if you see them earlier or later. It's kind of like gray hair - everyone gets it at different times. Your genes play a part in this, too. The natural aging process breaks down collagen and elastin fibers that keep skin firm and elastic.
Years of puckering, whistling, pouting, smoking, drinking from straws, and other repetitive facial movements also etch lines around the mouth. Lip lines worsen over time as skin loses its ability to bounce back. The natural aging process breaks down collagen and elastin fibers that keep skin firm and elastic.
Additionally, UV radiation degrades collagen, while smoking further accelerates aging. The cumulative effect is wrinkling of the thin, delicate skin bordering the lips.
Symptoms and Causes of Lip Lines
In the early stages, lip lines show up as very fine creases bracketing the upper or lower lip. They're often more noticeable when the lips move. With continued muscle contractions, sun damage, and collagen/elastin loss, the crevices deepen, and static wrinkles develop. Vertical lines fan out above and below the lip line, even at rest.
In severe cases, the smoker's lines extend down from the nose past the mouth corners. The length, depth, and abundance of lip lines depend on contributing factors like age, genetics, and lifestyle.
How to Get Rid of Lip Lines
Thankfully, there are ways to reduce the look of lip lines, and we're here to help. Our treatments at DLK on Avenue can not only make existing lines less noticeable but also help prevent new ones from forming.
Botox for Upper Lip Wrinkles
How it works: Botox is an injectable for fine lines and wrinkles placed into the muscles around your mouth, which helps relax them. When these muscles relax, the skin smooths out, making those lines less noticeable.
Best for: Preventing dynamic lip lines from becoming more severe. It smooths existing fine lines.
Dermal Fillers
How it works: Replace volume lost due to aging while adding subtle plumpness. Smooth static wrinkles are present even at rest. Lip fillers in Toronto are typically made of Hyaluronic Acid.
Best for: Filling in etched lines around the mouth and enhancing lip shape.
How it works: For microneedling, we use a device with tiny needles to make small holes in your skin. These tiny injuries kick your body's healing process into gear, which means more collagen and smoother skin.
Best for: Lip line reduction over several treatments. Combines well with PRP.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
How it works: This treatment uses the healing power of your own blood. We take a small blood sample, process it to concentrate the platelets, and then inject it back into your skin. These platelets help your skin heal and can make it look younger.
Best for: It can help improve overall skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
How it works: IPL uses light energy to target pigment in your skin. This can help even out your skin tone and stimulate collagen production.
Best for: Great for mild to moderate skin laxity and fine lines.
Lip Lines Treatment Cost in Toronto
Lip line treatment cost depends on the extent of wrinkling, the specific methods chosen, and the number of sessions needed. At DLK on Avenue, we offer affordable treatment packages that fit different budgets.
How to Prevent Lip Lines
There are things you can do to prevent lip lines before they start or to keep them from getting worse after treatment. Here are some tips:
- Avoid smoking and straws: Both of these activities involve repeated puckering of the lips, which can lead to lines over time. If you smoke, consider quitting. If you love using straws, try to cut back.
- Use sunscreen on your lips: Your lips need sun protection too! Use a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from sun damage. Apply it every day, even when it's cloudy.
- Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated. That includes your lips, which will remain plump. Guidelines suggest a minimum of at least eight glasses of water a day.
- Regularly apply lip moisturizers: Keep your lips soft and smooth with a good lip balm or moisturizer. Apply it several times a day, especially before bed.
- Use collagen-boosting products: Look for skincare products that contain ingredients like retinol or peptides. These can help boost collagen production in your skin. Apply them around your mouth area as part of your nightly skincare routine.
Why Choose DLK on Avenue for Lip Line Treatments?
Youthful lips can make you look more vibrant and confident. But as we've learned, lip lines are pretty much unavoidable as we age.
At DLK on Avenue, we're known for our expertise in cosmetic procedures. Our team of experienced dermatologists is highly skilled in treating lip wrinkles in Toronto. We take a safety-first approach with all our treatments, whether it's Botox, fillers, laser treatments, or anything else. Your well-being is our top priority.
Ready to say goodbye to those lip lines? Give us a call or visit us at DLK on Avenue to learn more about our lip rejuvenation in Toronto.
108 Avenue Road
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2H3
Phone: 416-440-2597
Fax: 416-923-2597
TUE: 8:30am - 7:00pm
WED: 8:30am - 7:00pm
THU:8:30am - 7:00pm
FRI: 8:30am - 7:00pm
SAT: 9:00am - 5:00pm
SUN: Closed